'The Lives and Afterlives of Plastic' - a new type of conference

'The Lives and Afterlives of Plastic' is a free, open access, and nearly carbon-neutral conference held entirely online between 26 June - 14 July 2017. Organised by Massey University's Political Ecology Research Centre (PERC), the conference went live yesterday and new panels and keynotes will be added each week until 14 July.

ASAA/NZ member Dr Trisia Farrelly, one of the conference co-ordinators, says the conference will be of interest to anthropologists as it has a strong material culture and political ecology focus. Watch her welcome to the conference below:

Uploaded by SEMS Massey on 2017-06-23.

If you have a spare hour and would like to join the conference, you can find it online at: http://perc.ac.nz/wordpress/the-lives-and-afterlives-of-plastic/

Anyone is welcome to post questions and comments to the presenters in comments threads at the bottom of each panel and keynote page.

If you do participate in the conference, let us know how you found the experience! It could be a format for ASAA/NZ to consider adopting for our future conferences.