SOMAA Symposium 5 December 2018

The Society of Medical Anthropology in Aotearoa (SOMAA) is holding its annual Symposium in Wellington on 5 December 2018.

The 2018 SOMAA Symposium will be held in the Wood Seminar Room (OK 406) at Victoria University of Wellington’s Kelburn Campus. The Symposium runs from 9:15am - 7:00pm and includes a keynote and public lecture by Sonja Van Wichelen (University of Sydney).

The Symposium fee is NZ$10 and registrations are required due to limited space. RSVP to Catherine Trundle to secure your space.

The Symposium will be followed by dinner in town. If you wish to join us, please express interest by email when you register (it will be at a reasonably priced set rate).

For more information and updates, visit the SOMAA 2018 Symposium Facebook event page.

SOMAA, the Society of Medical Anthropology in Aotearoa, a section of ASAA/NZ, is a national collective for medical anthropologists working in or on Aotearoa. Membership is free and we encourage those with an interest in medical anthropology to join.