Your ASAA/NZ membership brings with it a number of benefits, including:

  • A biannual newsletter containing conference reports and news from our members

  • Access to the Association's awards

  • Access to our peer review of research ethics procedure, useful for students and researchers alike in preparing a Human Ethics Approval application

  • Access to a reduced rate for attending the annual conference

  • Access to a network of anthropologists working in a range of different settings (academia and beyond)

  • Ability to contribute to the Association

  • Access to the Australian Anthropological Society's email list-serve and a discounted registration rate to the AAS annual conference (negotiated on a case-by-case basis - contact the ASAA/NZ Secretary for more information)

Membership fees

Annual subscription rates (the same in both Australian and NZ currency) are set according to income band as follows:

Student/Unwaged/Retired:                               $7.50

Waged under $35,000:                                      $22.50

Waged between $35,000 - $60,000:                  $60.00

Waged between $60,000 and $80,000:              $75.00

Waged over $80,000:                                         $90.00

Honorary Life Membership

Honorary Life Membership has been conferred by the Association on the following individuals:

Dame Joan Metge
Professor Ann Chowning
Emeritus Professor Julie Park
Professor (Associate) Michael Goldsmith