Call for nominations: Sam Taylor-Alexander Early Career Researcher Prize for Ethics and Engagement within Anthropology

We invite nominations of students and early career researchers (ECR) from around Aotearoa for the Sam Taylor-Alexander ECR Prize for Ethics and Engagement within Anthropology.

The prize aims to recognise the ‘everyday ethical’ labour and engagement that is continually practiced in, and essential to, the academy, and in doing so, to foster a culture of allyship, social justice, and generosity within Aotearoa New Zealand anthropology. We invite nominations of students and ECRs on non-permanent and/or short-term contracts who demonstrate a spirit of intellectual generosity, social justice, academic kindness, and solidarity. These may be evident in a nominee’s personal conduct, research focus, teaching practice, or activities beyond the university.

The focus of the award is inspired by Sam Taylor-Alexander’s reputation for collegiality, generosity of time and thought, and mentorship of junior scholars while he himself was precariously employed. The decision to create this award for students and ECRs with no requirements for its use is in recognition of Sam’s passion for social and distributive justice.

Value: $1000, to be used however the recipient sees fit.

2021 winner

Tarapuhi Vaeau was named the 2021 recipient of the Sam Taylor-Alexander Award for Ethics and Engagement in Anthropology. Tarapuhi’s nominators celebrated her intellectual generosity; her ability to both support and hold accountable the people around her; her commitment to a more ethical and inclusive pedagogy; and a pursuit of radical accessibility. Her work manifests through the Tātoutātou collective, policy engagements, here professional work, and the MahiTahi initiative.


The prize is open to: 

  • Students undertaking postgraduate studies in Anthropology at any university in Aotearoa; and

  • ECRs, here defined as someone carrying out teaching or research in anthropology without the security of a permanent employment contract (including postdoctoral research, research associates, research assistants, tutors, teaching fellows, assistant lecturers, or lecturers on short term contracts), or recent doctoral graduates yet to secure such work

  • ASAANZ membership is not required, but on acceptance of this award recipients are encouraged to become paying members.


  • Nominations will be accepted from the applicants themselves, their peers (i.e. their study cohort or colleagues), or by a faculty member. Past nominations will be carried over to the current year.

  • To nominate a person, please submit the below/attached nomination form, the nominee’s CV, and a supporting letter of recommendation from a faculty member.

  • Those wishing to submit a nomination are advised to give faculty members a good amount of notice to write their letter (ideally no less than a fortnight), and to provide the nomination materials (CV and form) to assist them with letter writing.

  • Submit application material to by Monday, October 24th, 2022.

Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of 2-3 people and a decision announced at our annual conference later that month. Attendance at the conference, though encouraged, is not required in order to receive this award.