Special Issue of SITES 16(1), Christianity and Development in the Pacific

The latest issue of Sites (Vol 16, No 1) is now available online. This Special Issue on Christianity and Development in the Pacific was guest edited by Philip Fountain and Geoff Troughton. The special issue includes eight articles exploring the entanglements between Christianity and development in different parts of the Pacific. Papers include analysis of: the theological elements in the discourse of the ‘Pacific Way’, ritual dimensions of migration for climate change adaption in Fiji, Mormon theologies of ‘self-reliance’, faith-based Samoan approaches to pastoral counselling, church responses to development challenges in Solomon Islands, and theological education in Vanuatu. In addition, ‘big picture’ frameworks and research questions are laid out in the hope of inspiring further research on these themes.

Sites: A journal of social anthropology and cultural studies, volume 16, no 1, 2019

This special issue will be of special interest to scholars working in the Pacific as well as those specialising in either development or religion. It contains papers that are accessible and highly-readable, and a number of the papers will find ready use within course readers for undergraduate-level classes.

Sites welcomes original papers focused on empirical studies or theoretical, methodological or pedagogical issues relevant to the study of societies and cultures of the wider Pacific region, including New Zealand, Australia, Oceania, the Pacific Rim, and their diasporas. Sites is published twice a year and is a delayed open access journal. All content is open to the public after 12 months.

Sites invites submissions from authors in the fields of anthropology, culture studies, indigenous studies, Māori studies, sociology, history, gender, linguistics, and ethnomusicology. The journal has an international editorial advisory board, an international circulation, and also welcomes work from scholars working outside the region on topics relevant to this region. For more information, contact the editorial team.