public anthropology

Anthropology in Aotearoa Symposium at Victoria University of Wellington

On Thursday 11 May, the Cultural Anthropology Programme at Victoria University of Wellington is hosting a full-day Anthropology in Aotearoa Symposium (registrations required).

The Kākano Fund: Reporting back to Bel communities, Madang, Papua New Guinea

Dylan Gaffney, from the University of Otago's Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, received a Kākano Fund Award earlier this year. In this post he reflects on how this award enabled him to share his findings with his research participants in Papua New Guinea.

Fostering anthropological thought through Facebook

Recently on a rainy Wellington morning I sat down with Lorena Gibson and Catherine Trundle to discuss the Cultural Anthropology at Victoria University of Wellington Facebook page they run. Below I share a slightly edited transcript of our interview.