social media

They Are Us: Practices of care in digital environments, after the Christchurch mosque attack

Dr Susan Wardell, a medical anthropologist at the University of Otago, is conducting research into practices of care following the white supremacist terrorist attack at two Christchurch mosques earlier this year.

Fostering anthropological thought through Facebook

Recently on a rainy Wellington morning I sat down with Lorena Gibson and Catherine Trundle to discuss the Cultural Anthropology at Victoria University of Wellington Facebook page they run. Below I share a slightly edited transcript of our interview.

What’s Up in the World? - Weekly Digest 6/05/2016 Written by Harriet Lane-Tobin

Culture, authenticity, life, death and the misrepresented. This week's digest comes at these issues from multiple angles, showing the positives and negatives of being able to be perceived and understood in different ways.